You may not even detach yourself from these daydreams. In extreme cases, daydreaming can become too distracting to the point of interfering with your normal daily lifestyle. This is a condition that makes you experience daydreams frequently. This is where maladaptive daydreaming mental health condition comes in. Maladaptive daydreaming is sometimes referred to as a daydreaming disorder. As a matter of fact, you became unaware of your surroundings and the time you spent while in that state of daydreaming. Sometimes your state of daydreaming can take a toll on you to the extent of not being in control of yourself. While in this state, you are completely cut off from reality. At this point, your daydreaming may turn to maladaptive daydreaming. Maladaptive daydreaming describes a state where you get occupied with daydreaming ideas or thoughts. Excessive daydreaming can negatively impact your functional capabilities.

This also is perfectly normal and there should be nothing to worry about. However, if your daydreaming goes beyond the normal bounds or becomes uncontrollable, it may interfere with your life.

More often, people daydream about getting relieved of their tiring and monotonous daily routines. Studies show that about 47% of human beings undergo daydreaming while awake. Daydreaming can also boost your creativity and this is also a healthy way of living. It is also perfectly normal for everyone to daydream. Daydreaming is part of every human’s life.